.JPG) |
Kent & Dani |
The Hermit Philosopher just got back from his nephew
Kent's wedding. It was the third such event he's attended recently, the other two being son Steve's wedding in September and daughter Sarah's in May. The HP pretends not to like these things much because they interfere with his reclusive lifestyle, but if truth be told all three were moving, joyous and enjoyable occasions.
Steve & Jeff |
The only problem with weddings, however, is that there's dancing afterward. The HP doesn't dance. In the famous Hammerstein song that serves as the title to this post, there's this apropos line: "I'm like an ocean wave that's bumped on the shore / I feel so absolutely stumped on the floor." That's the HP. He doesn't dance. It's not one of his talents. He's bumped on the shore and stumped on the floor.
Sarah & Romain |
Which brings us to the thing that prompts these comments: the TV show "Inside the Actor's Studio" with James Lipton. (Bear with me: there
is some logic here, tortuous though it may be.)
At the end of each show Lipton asks a series of questions that are meant to reveal some aspects of one's personality. They are modeled after the so-called Proust Questionnaire (which is given regularly in Vanity Fair), and they probe topics like your favorite and least favorite words, what turns you on or off, what sounds you love and hate.
The question that stood out today was "what profession would you not like to try?" Dancer would be at the top of the HP's list, and his discomfort is apparent to all. For example, at Kent and Dani's wedding there was a really good DJ, a large dance floor, and dozens of dancers of all ages who took advantage of the opportunity. The HP was not one of them, despite the urging of one of Kent's friends who apparently follows this blog—
he told someone to "get the Hermit Philosopher out here on the dance floor." LOL
Well, the HP didn't get on the dance floor, but he did think all three weddings were outstanding events. Best wishes to all the brides and grooms!
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For your info, here is a slightly abbreviated version of the Proust Questionnaire. It has some good conversa- tion starters and is an interesting exercise to do with a good friend or loved one. (Being a recluse, the HP will do it alone of course.)
is your idea of perfect happiness?
and where were you happiest?
is your greatest fear?
is the trait you most deplore in yourself/others?
living person do you most admire?
is your greatest extravagance?
do you consider the most overrated virtue?
what occasions do you lie?
do you most dislike about your appearance?
living person do you most dislike?
is the quality you like most in others?
words or phrases do you most overuse?
or who is the greatest love of your life?
talent would you most like to have?
would you like to change about yourself?
is your greatest achievement?
you could come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
would you most like to live?
is your most treasured possession?
do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
is your favorite/least favorite occupation?
do you most value in friends?
are your favorite writers?
are your favorite heros of fiction and real life?
historical figure do you most identify with?
is your greatest regret?
would you like to die?
is your motto?
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