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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What's Your Answer?


The liquid is the world, and the fish is the United States. Is the glass half full or half empty? 

Optimists think the glass is half full and we will find ways to overcome the challenges we face. Pessimists think it’s half empty because the country and the future of all humanity are in grave jeopardy.

By the way, a third group (the sots at the local pub) would say that’s not even the right question. To them the right question is, “Are you going to finish that?”

The Hermit Philosopher sides with the pessimists because:

  • The world's population stands at eight billion and is expected to be nearly eleven billion by the end of this century.
  • We are quickly poisoning our environment and using up finite resources.
  • We have created the means of our own destruction in the form of nuclear weapons, environmental pollution, and artificial “intelligence.”
  • Millions of us deny scientific fact, believe unprovable conspiracy theories, and accept demonstrably false notions, such as that the 2020 election was “stolen” or that COVID vaccines are unsafe.
  • Trust in democracy and the core institutions of government – the courts, voting systems, and laws that promote the general welfare – is at an all-time low.
  • One of our major political parties is run by far-right crazies (think: Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene) who are riding a tsunami of ignorance and disinformation.
  • That party’s leading candidate for the presidency is the leader of a dangerous cult and  an unprincipled, unstable, seditious menace who has corroded and corrupted American democracy.

If politicians and world leaders applied as much energy to solving the climate crisis as they do to getting reelected and consolidating their power, the outcome might be different. But the existential threats to democracy and the world at large are why the HP’s answer to the topic question is: “The glass is half full and leaking badly.” I’m glad I won’t be around to see the worst of it.

By the way, it seems to me that the answer to the question posed by the drunks at the bar is, “The drink is poison and yes, we’re going to finish it because we’re destroying democracy and the planet is doomed.” I guess that’s pessimistic too, huh

Have a nice day. If you can. 


  1. You know, there’s a support group for people who talk (or think or write) too much: it’s called “on and on and on-Anon.” I have today…Lucky and Blessed. ❤️

  2. in re: "The world's population stands at eight billion and is expected to be nearly eleven billion by the end of this century."

    And according to one noted population academic, once it peaks, which will be before the end of the century, world population will precipitously fall due to low birthrates worldwide. ("The World’s Population May Peak in Your Lifetime. What Happens Next?" Dean Spears, in the NYT, 9/18/2023)

    George R
