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Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Longest Day

Today is the longest day of the year, the summer solstice. It is also "The Longest Day" -- an event sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association to raise funds for their care, support and research efforts. It’s one day to honor the strength and courage displayed by people with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.

This event challenges participants to push themselves to complete approximately 16 hours of a consecutive activity -- such as playing bridge, which is what my bridge club is doing. The Redwood Bridge Club of San Diego is "up and at it" today, both figuratively and literally.

Figuratively because we exceeded our goal of $1600 and raised more than $2000 for the Alzheimer's Association. And literally because we opened before sunrise today and will remain open past sunset tonight with bridge and related activities. There's "party bridge" all day, a class by one of our instructors this morning, a catered lunch, our regular afternoon and evening duplicate bridge games, and a home-cooked meal in between.

I am part of the team that planned the activities, and it has been fascinating to observe people's reactions. I think literally everyone I talk to about The Longest Day has some story to relate about a friend, relative, or spouse with the disease. As a result, people have been really generous with their time and financial support.

We've already started thinking about next year's event, and my co-chair has enlisted the San Diego HOG Group (Harley owners) who want to team up with us for TLD 2015. I can't promise any particulars yet, but the HOGs have talked about doing a "bridge ride" -- a caravan over some of the bridges in San Diego. A Harley bridge ride with bridge club members ... what a combination! Stay tuned.

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  1. Ths is so cool! Oh, I wish I was in San Diego! 7 no trump!

  2. I would pay money, just to see Stuart on a Harley!!! :)

  3. If it works out, I will hold you to this promise. The money will go to the Alzheimer's Association. :-)
