My research into this phenomenon has led me to a brand-new, best-selling book that sheds light. I will quote or paraphrase some of its most salient descriptions here:
- Opposition forces are coming together, "showing their teeth and shrieking to high heaven."
- Republicans denounce the President while the conservative media harp on state socialism and demand a return to the good old days.
- Instead of civil discourse there are "private fulminations and public carping" against the President's agenda.
- Some say the administration's objective is "to redistribute wealth"; they want to take it from those who have worked hard and been thrifty and pass it to those who have not.
- They say this is totalitarianism or socialism.
- They say they are waging a "holy war for freedom and the survival of democracy in America."
The book is Supreme Power by Jeff Shesol. The economic strain was the Great Depression. The President was FDR.
"Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose."
Wow, some things never change! Thanks for this post. Could I make a request: could you shed light on this insane Arizona immigration law. If I lived there, the police could certainly stop and ask me for my "papers" (just because I don't look American or like a legal alien--I wear really ugly shoes, you see). I need your thoughtful take on this. --Jane